Diane Salters MSc.TSTA (Training and Supervising Transactional Analyst)
Therapy, supervision and coaching face to face and on line.

Simple truths are like time bombs in the psyche. Once we let them in they explode and rearrange our whole life...when I first read Berne's words "Every human being is born a prince or a princess" it radically changed the way I perceived reality.

What is Transactional Analysis (TA)?

TA is a psychological theory of human development, personality and communication. Originated by Eric Berne MD in the 1950s, it was subsequently developed by others and is still alive and evolving. Eric Berne, seeking a more effective way to treat his patients, combined the best of psychoanalytic ideas with ideas from behaviourism, humanistic psychology and the brain research of the time. His theory integrates these various approaches in a simple, elegant body of knowledge that is easy to understand and yet very profound. He believed passionately that everyone is “OK” – valuable and able to think, solve problems and understand their own lives. He saw the goal of psychotherapy as liberating people from limiting “scripts” formed in childhood and offering a route to spontaneity, awareness and intimacy.

Today many people talk about the “inner child” yet not many of them know that it was Eric Berne and TA that put this Child part of ourselves so effectively in the limelight. The TA theory of ego states not only talks about the inner Child, but also the Parent and the Adult. Most people can relate to this immediately, recognising from their own experience the inner dialogue between these different parts of themselves and how the use them to communicate with others.

TA theory is concerned with the individual but very much in a social context. The name itself derives from the fact that Eric Berne developed his theory by analysing very minutely the various “transactions” or exchanges he observed between people. His theory of “strokes” (different strokes for different folks!) also roots our human development firmly in our evolution as social beings.

TA is not only used in psychotherapy and counselling but also in education, organisational development, coaching and community development. TA recognizes four distinct fields of specialised training. see link to T&CC and EATA

The best way to get an introduction to TA is to attend a TA 101 – the official, internationally standardised introductory course to TA. Link to my courses and to SATAA?

For further information about the core ideas in TA go to The International Transactional Analysis Association (itaa) or read TA Today: Ian Stewart and Vann Joines or I’m OK, You’re OK : Thomas Harris.

Eric Berne’s own writing (e.g. Games People Play) is brilliant but not the best place to start your TA journey.